Animated characters created by Pixar Animation Studios, such as Woody and Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story, Sulley and the human girl Boo in Monsters, Inc., the clownfish father and son in Finding Nemo and the family of superheroes in The Incredibles, have been appealing to and enchanting audiences of all ages. In the infinitely malleable world of CG animation, Pixar has shown considerable creativity and presented numerous fascinating animated stories that successfully offer pleasure as well as visual enjoyment to a huge number of audiences.
As a blockbuster exhibition hosted by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum in 2011, "Pixar: 25 Years of Animation" showcases different types of drawings by Pixar Animation Studios during the conception of CG animation works, which offer visitors an artistic insight into the studio's hugely successful and most beloved films. Over 400 items, including traditional artwork in various mediums, maquettes, early animated short films, and one-of-a-kind media installations created by Pixar Technical Artists will be on display in the exhibition. After a successful international tour and stop in California, the show has been re-curated and is now making its first stop globally in Hong Kong. Some of this new artwork has never been seen outside of the studio's archives before!
Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
Organised by the Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Fully supported by The Walt Disney Company (Asia Pacific)
Special Offer