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Special Programmes for “A Laugh at the World: James Wong” Exhibition

Unless otherwise stated, all special programmes are conducted in Cantonese and are free of charge. The Museum makes no representations on the content of the programmes. For special arrangements under inclement weather conditions, please click here for details. Programmes are subject to change and cancellation without prior notice. For enquiries, please call 2180 8260.

1. Talks

Re-Reading James Wong: De-constructing the “Golden Era” of Hong Kong Popular Culture

Many believe James Wong was super talented, having created outstanding works that left their marks across generations, and stands as a symbol of Hong Kong popular culture’s ‘golden era’. However, James Wong himself repeatedly rejected the nickname ‘devilish talent’, and had consistently posed serious questions on the what, how and why of the ‘golden era’. Reflecting on his tumultuous life and times in the streets and recording studios of Hong Kong, James Wong suggested two ways to deconstruct the ‘golden era’: 1. extend, 2. loosen. Then we shall come to realise the golden era actually harboured a prehistory, and its path was strewn with multiple sedimentations, variations, sub-currents, gains and losses, successes and failures. And all this, is Hong Kong.

Date 10 August 2023 (Sat)
Time 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location 1/F Theatre
Speaker Dr Ng Chun-hung (Hong Kong Popular Culture Scholar)
Enrolment Audiences will be admitted 15 minutes before the programme commences. Limited seats on a first-come, first-served basis.


Simple Tunes Make Great Music : James Wong’s Musical Legacy

James Wong, as both a lyricist and a songwriter, left his mark in the making of Cantopop. While many have examined his talent in lyric, few delve deep enough into his contribution to composing music. James’s musical style is indeed full of character and above all, truly live up to the motto that simple tunes make great music with his signature twist of being quintessentially Chinese. This talk will revisit James Wong’s greatest hits in celebration of his musical legacy.

Date 31 August 2024 (Sat)
Time 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location 1/F Theatre
Speaker Mr Wong Chi Wah (Renowned Music Critic on Cantonese Songs)
Enrolment Audiences will be admitted 15 minutes before the programme commences. Limited seats on a first-come, first-served basis.


2. Music Sharing

James Wong’s Greatest Hits on Vinyl

Vinyl records are iconic embodying the legacy of timeless classics of music. They are more than just medium for music, the grooves they deliver can capture the subtle nuances and depth of music unmatched by other. Come and join this exclusive musical rendezvous for audiophiles showcasing James’s original greatest hits on vintage vinyl records to celebrate his much-loved theme songs for martial arts classics to TV series and movies.

Date 14 September 2024 (Sat)
Time Session 1 : 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
      James Wong x Jin Yong on Martial Arts Classics

Session 2 : 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
      Joseph Koo x James Wong on TV Series and Movies
Location 1/F Theatre
Speaker Mr Ivan Wong (Renowned Music Critic on Cantopop Records)
Enrolment Audiences will be admitted 15 minutes before the programme commences. Limited seats on a first-come, first-served basis.


3. Film Screening and Post-screening Talk

Peking Opera Blues (1986) Film Screening and Post-screening Talk

The two speakers, starting off with James Wong’s musical works for Peking Opera Blues, will examine James’s track record for branding Hong Kong movies. In particular, the discussion will focus on James’s genius in blending traditional Chinese music with other musical elements and creating his signature musical styles which has earned him the honour of the maestro of Hong Kong movies.

Date 23 November 2024 (Sat)
Time 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location 1/F Theatre
Speaker Dr Angela Law (Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Hong Kong Metropolitan University)

Dr Charles Cheung (Associate Professor, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Enrolment Audiences will be admitted 15 minutes before the programme commences. Limited seats on a first-come, first-served basis.


4. Workshop

Laughing All the Way : Workshop on Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga is a modern approach combining the power of laughter with yoga. It helps to relieve stress, lift spirits and improve mental health and overall well-being. This workshop honours laughter as a universal language to pay a special tribute to James Wong for his enduring legacy in infusing positive energy into his lyrics. Through practising laughter this workshop aims to empower participants in cultivating carefree attitude, celebrating the joy of present moment and embracing challenges with wit and humour.

Date Session 1 : 5 October 2024 (Sat)
Session 2 : 16 November 2024 (Sat)
Time 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location 1/F Courtyard
Instructor Hong Kong Laughter Yoga Academy
Quota A maximum of 40 participants per session.
Enrolment First-come, first served. Please sign up outside at the 1/F Courtyard 15 minutes before the programme commences.


A Stroke of Luck : Having Fun with Festive Couplets

Hosted by local artist Vivian Chia with her signature style of "typing" calligraphy, this festive crossover offers an artistic encounter to reinterpret James Wong’s finest lines through the art of calligraphy. Come and join us to enjoy the beauty of words and take away home your stroke of luck with the unique festive couplets like no other.

Date 18 January 2025 (Sat)
Time 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location G/F Lobby
Instructor Ms Vivian Chia (Artist)
Enrolment No limit on quota. No registration is required. Walk-in participants are welcome.