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Special Programme for “Breaking New Ground: Donated Works of Chan Wing-sum” Exhibition

Unless otherwise stated, all special programmes are conducted in Cantonese and are free of charge. For special arrangements under inclement weather conditions, please click here for details. Programmes are subject to change and cancellation without prior notice. For enquiries, please call 2180 8260.

A Century of Vision: The Lingnan School of Painting

The Lingnan School of Painting was one of the earliest advocates of the modernisation of Chinese art. The Lingnan School, which advocates the concept of “blending East and West, and old and new”, has influenced generations of artists of the Lingnan School. Our Curator, Dr. Raymond Tang, will focus on Professor Chao Shao-an’s artworks to examine the development and legacy of the Lingnan School of Painting.

Date 6 October 2024 (Sun)
Time 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location 1/F Theatre
Speaker Dr. Raymond TANG Man Leung  Curator (Art), Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Enrolment Audiences will be admitted 15 minutes before the programme commences. Limited seats on a first-come, first-served basis.

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